A few designs I did last season from an FOP episode called "One Man Banned'. I was working from Arron Hammersly's board On this one. In this episode Timmy becomes a triangle playing Rock Star traveling the globe getting mobbed by fans everywhere he goes. He shoots video's, releases hit albums and breaks all attendance records but eventually like most big stars it goes to his head and he self destructs. I've also included the original title card that I did which was not used, I ended up doing a different one instead. Great color as always from Kaz Aizawa on the title card and and Alex Deligiannis on the models and also great work from our Clean Up department.
great work! that MJ style getup is perfect!
hey Thx Booger....much appreciated!!
Great character designs Gordon! Great to see you posting so much stuff!
But should we really have kids emulating the Michael Jackson?
Great job mashing zombie, Michael, and Timmy together! More things should be zombies.
Is this a Michael Jackson Tribute? If so thats great! Very cool. I love the idea!
it was a parody during one of our FairlyOdd Parents episodes, oddly enough we did it before he passed away....thx very much Annamaria!
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